Function Reference


Find/Replace text in an Edit control

#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
_GUICtrlEditFind(ByRef $h_gui, ByRef $h_edit[, $b_replace = False[, $s_WinTitle = ""[, $s_WinText = ""]]])



h_gui GUI ID/Window Handle (Handle only be used with external controls)
$h_edit control ID/Control Handle (Handle only be used with external controls)
$b_replace Optional: Boolean True/False show replace option (Default is False)
$s_WinTitle Optional: Window Title (should only be used with external controls)
$s_WinText Optional: Window Text (should only be used with external controls)


Return Value



Be careful using the $s_WinText
If you use text from the edit control and that text gets replaced
the function will no longer function correctly



_GUICtrlEditReplaceSel, _GUICtrlEditGetSel, _GUICtrlEditSetSel



Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GuiEdit.au3>

; *******************************************************
; Example 1 - Using with an AutoIt Created Edit control
; *******************************************************


Func _UseAutoItControl()
    Local $s_texttest = "this is a test" & @CRLF & _
        "this is only a test" & @CRLF & _
        "this testing should work for you as well as it does for me"
   Local $GuiCtrlEditSearch, $myEdit, $Button1, $Button2, $msg
   $GuiCtrlEditSearch = GUICreate('Find And Replace Example with AutoIt ' & FileGetVersion(@AutoItExe), 622, 448, 192, 125)
   $myEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit($s_texttest, 64, 24, 505, 233, _
   $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Find", 176, 288, 121, 33, 0)
   $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Find And Replace", 368, 288, 121, 33, 0)
   While 1
      $msg = GUIGetMsg()
         Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
         Case $msg = $Button1
            _GUICtrlEditFind ($GuiCtrlEditSearch, $myEdit)
         Case $msg = $Button2
            _GUICtrlEditFind ($GuiCtrlEditSearch, $myEdit, True)
         Case Else
EndFunc   ;==>_UseAutoItControl

; *******************************************************
; Example 2 - Using with an external Edit control
; *******************************************************


Func _UseExternalControl()
    Local $s_texttest = 'Find And Replace Example with AutoIt ' & FileGetVersion(@AutoItExe) & @LF & _
       "this is a test" & @LF & _
        "this is only a test" & @LF & _
        "this testing should work for you as well as it does for me"
    Local $whandle, $handle
    Local $Title = "Untitled - Notepad"
    Run("notepad", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
    ;Wait for the window "Untitled" to exist
    ; Get the handle of a notepad window
    $whandle = WinGetHandle($Title)
    If @error Then
        MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Could not find the correct window")
        $handle = ControlGetHandle($whandle, "", "Edit1")
        If @error Then
            MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Could not find the correct control")
            ; Send some text directly to this window's edit control
            ControlSend($whandle, "", "Edit1", $s_texttest)
            _GUICtrlEditFind ($whandle, $handle, True, $Title)
EndFunc   ;==>_UseExternalControl